

Provide liquidity
You can become a liquidity provider on Archimedes and earn a passive income of 3-8%. You can even create your own liquidity pool. Most of the trading fees will be distributed among the pool members.

Adjustable fees. 
On other DEXes, transactions often fail because the transaction fee is too low. But on Archimedes, it’s very easy to change the fee manually when placing the order. There is also the suggestion mode: the platform will suggest the optimal fee size every time.

Pre-launch ECL
buy orders. You can place a buy order for ECL/ETH even before the launch of the Eucledeum network. It will filled as soon as there are sell orders for ECL, in the first few days after launch. Preliminary orders are your opportunity to enter the market before the price starts rising (like a pre-sale).

Ethereum’s problems
Ethereum has become congested and slow, and transaction fees have surged. At times, as many as 100,000 transactions are left pending in the mempool. Instead of $0.05, users now have to pay $1.5 for each transfer. In a last-ditch attempt to reduce the bottlenecks, Ethereum miners keep rasing the gas limit per block. This allows to reduce the fees for a month or two, but then the gas limit has to be increased again. Moreover, as blocks become bigger and bulkier, there are more uncle blocks that don’t receive a reward.

It’s clear that the Proof-of-Work consensus algorithm cannot support a scaling ecosystem. The only real solution is a transition to Proof-of-Stake, but it is constantly being delayed. It will take Ethereum at least another year to active PoS. Meanwhile, fees will keep getting higher and the network will keep lagging.

Solution to the problem
The team of Euclideum made the decision to launch the network as a PoS blockchain from the start in order to demonstrate that it does work – and that it doesn’t require years to test and launch. The expected processing capacity at launch is circa 100 tps, which is more than twice than Ethereum’s present speed.

At launch, Euclideum will already have several validator nodes run by the team. Users can immediately start staking and start their own nodes. To become a validator, one needs only 30 ECL as opposed to 32 ETH on Ethereum. The expected annual profit from staking is 8-10%, with the initial yield being 6.5% (as opposed to 5.6% on Ethereum).

Every Ethereum holder will automatically get a significant amount of ECL during the airdrop. If you hold 10 ETH, for example, you can immediately get the required 30 ECL and enjoy the rewards without any initial investment.


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