Optimus Chain

For now, Cyclops game is building its technologies on the Ethereum blockchain. We are also leveraging NULS/NerveNetwork technologies to achieving cross-chain interoperability.

In the future, Cyclops Game will have its own chain, a hybrid of DAG and conventional blockchain. This will allow decentralized games and gaming platforms to run completely on the blockchain and will also incorporate bridging technologies to allow conventional ones to hybridize.


The Tournament

Cyclops game will host the first of its kind blockchain gaming Tournament, it will hold in 2021. This event will be open to all globally and not just to crypto-savvy individuals. Players will come together virtually to compete for great prices.

Some of the game assets that will be used in the tournament are already available on Hephaestus workshop.
Cyclops game will host the Tournament on their “The Tournament” game platform. This platform will launch for the event and will remain open to all afterwards. Individuals will be able to create custom competitions on this platform, set the rules of the competition and invite players to join.

For example, a user can create a 10-player competition on the platform, set an entry fee of say $100 or even 1ETH or whatever and make it say a winner takes it all competition. When such competition is created, interested players can join and they will be set to begin when the number of players required is reached.
As The tournament will be the first event to hold (Opening event), The information and signup page will go live soon.



Block of Fame

As an additional feature which is much needed, Cyclops Game has invented the first value-backed “Block of Fame” for blockchain inventors and influencers. The Block of Fame feature uses a stake-vote mechanism that allows users to vote for blockchain inventors they think have the most fame based on what the inventor has contributed to the advancement of blockchain technologies.

To prevent bias voting, the voting mechanism uses a balanced voting-incentives scheme.
More information will be released when we are closer to deployment to prevent copycats.


Treasure Island

This is actually where the journey began. Cyclops Game was first thought of as a platform for a single game, “the Cyclops Treasure” game.

After evaluating the positive impact that bridging technologies will have on the adoption rate of decentralized gaming solutions, the team decided to restructure Cyclops Game to cater for a broader scope.

The Treasure Island is one of the in-built games that will be featured on the platform, it is an adventure game where players fight their way through different obstacles and enemies to finally find the long-lost treasures.
The treasures are actual rewards that a player claims after completing certain levels. These treasures can be converted to CYTR or ETH on redemption.

Some of the game’s characters, creatures, weapons and passages can be found and claimed at (Hephaestus workshop)
More details can be found at . Also, we will be updating the information about the game as we keep developing it.



Staking is an important feature offered by Cyclops Game, though it is not a main feature, it is a feature in which other features depends on. It serves as a complementing mechanism for their functionalities of those features.

For instance, Block of Fame uses a Staking-Voting mechanism to rank famers on the Block of Fame board. The ranking of a famer is equivalent to the amount in cryptocurrencies locked up in the famer’s unique digital representation.

The Tournament also uses an Asset staking-supply mechanism to manage the supply of assets. Assets locked up in the staking vault are made available digitally to game players. The functionality of both the Block of fame and The Tournament will be later discussed.

Mainly, the staking rewards are paid in CYCR, the cyclops rewards token. The pool, distribution and staking lockup period will be covered next.

Cyclops Game platform operate on its native token CYTR
Token name: Cyclops Treasure
Token Ticker: CYTR
Token Contract: 0xbd05cee...c7bf
Total supply: 1000
Current price (by Coingecko): 261.47


CYCR token is Cyclops Game’s rewards currency.
Token name: CYCR
Token Ticker: CYCR
Token Contract: 0x22b858C...9de6
Total supply: 16000


As we keep striving to expand the team, Cyclops Game have been working with several blockchain developers, game developers, and Assets’ designers. These entities and/or individuals are expert contractors in their respective fields.
We will continue to work with experienced individuals in order to deliver our promise to the community.



-Core development, ongoing, through 2021
Hephaestus Workshop 1.0 is live, with the trading of game assets. Development of version 2.0 is ongoing with --rollout planned on March-April 2021
-The Tournament is in development, with aim to release first version in Q1 2021 with focus on the upcoming Tournament. The Info and signup page will be released in March 2021
-The Block of Fame design has been finalized. Development will begin soon and will be deployed in February 2021
-Design of the treasure island is ongoing and will continue through Q1 2021.
-Optimal design for the staking mechanism is been finalized on. The first asset staking mechanism will be deployed February 2021
-The mobile wallet development will begin in Q1 2021, and will be launched in Q2 2021 at the latest





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